Mirko Veratti Certified Professional Coach


The Enneagram is a precious opportunity for your personal growth.

It is a tool which identifies 9 main types of personality. Such types lead back to conditioning factors and automatisms that we do not recognize and that we struggle to get rid of.

Come funziona


Assicurati di essere in un ambiente confortevole dove puoi concentrarti sul test

Fai il test

Rispondi a 40 domande su di te e sulla tua personalità

Ottieni i risultati

Completa il test e ottieni i risultati via mail

Scopri qual è la
tua personalità!

Questo test è stato appositamente creato in collaborazione con lo psicologo xxxx per assicurare un risultato per ogni tipo di personalità.

Explore the 9 profiles of the Enneagram of personality and find out who represents you!

The Perfectionist

The Giver

The Executor

The Individualist

The Investigator

The Fido

The Optimist

The Chief

The Ombudsman

I want to thank a special person:
Sergio Messina

An amazing person who needs no introduction for who he is and what he has accomplished in his life.
He has been the one who has introduced me to the Enneagram and with him i have dived deep into the various aspect of this wonderhul tool for personal growth.
Along side with his teaching on Ethics, which i still consider the absolute higher experience among all personal and professional training i took, i grasped a broader and deeper sense that i wanted to share with those interested in introspection, change and growth.

Discover who you are!

Contact me to take the test and discover your profile.


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